Social Engagement Mining

Telestai Marketing Beta

The Telestai Marketing Beta is an experimental system designed to engage users on social media and grow our decentralized community. The goal is simple: reward users for interacting with Telestai content on X (formerly Twitter) by offering Telestai coins (TLS) as incentives.

How It Works

  1. Follow @Telestai_io on X.
  2. Repost and Comment: When Telestai publishes a new post, repost it and add a comment that includes your TLS wallet address.
  3. Reward Timer: Once a post is detected, the system starts a 24-hour countdown. After that, it verifies the reposts and comments.
  4. Earn 250 TLS: If your comment includes a valid TLS address and you’ve reposted, you’ll receive 250 TLS.

System Overview

  • Post Detection: The system checks for new posts every 15 minutes. When a post is found, a 24-hour timer begins.
  • Validation: After the countdown, the system verifies reposts and checks for valid TLS addresses in the comments.
  • Rewards Distribution: Upon validation, the system uses a secure connection to the Telestai blockchain to send 250 TLS to qualifying participants.
  • Transparency: All transactions are logged publicly via the Telestai block explorer.

This system is in its experimental phase, and we're testing its impact on social media engagement. The goal is to build a stronger community while rewarding active participants.