Trading TLS

How to Buy/Sell $TLS (Telestai Coin)

You can buy or sell our native Telestai coin ($TLS), which resides on the Telestai blockchain, through the following centralized exchanges:

  1. Exbitron

  2. Tradeogre

How to Buy/Sell $wTLS (Wrapped Telestai)

You can also trade Telestai using the wrapped version ($wTLS) on the Ethereum Network through Uniswap. This wrapped coin allows you to store your Telestai in any Ethereum-compatible wallet.

Bridging $wTLS and $TLS

To swap between $wTLS (wrapped Telestai) and $TLS (native Telestai coin), visit our bridging page on the Telestai blockchain:

This information is subject to change as Telestai trades on additional platforms